Typo (Huntress CTF 2024)

By: yukna on

Author: @JohnHammond

Gosh darnit, I keep entering a typo in my Linux command prompt!

Firstly, trying to ssh with ssh -p <PORT> user@challenge.ctf.games gives an error:

Error opening terminal: foot.

I am using foot as my terminal emulator, so to fix it I need to set the variable $TERM to xterm-256color:

TERM=xterm-256color ssh -p <PORT> user@challenge.ctf.games

I am greeted with a Choo Choo train! This is the classic sl command, for when one types ls wrongly. This is probably happening because the .bashrc_profile or .bashrc executes sl wrongly. I am immediately thrown out afterwards. To overcome this, either hack the server and get rid of that, or make ssh execute another program instead, with the -t flag. I run a new shell, which would not load the bashrc_profile.

TERM=xterm-256color ssh -p <PORT> user@challenge.ctf.games -t /bin/sh

I get in, and ls correctly. The flag file is there.